Dear Michael on Bravo's "Top Design",
Collar down!
Seriously. At least in NYC we've issued a moratorium on popped collars. Yeah, how fucking ironic it was for a wee while, but that ended by Fall, 2006. Even the behind-the-times suburban mall rat tourists are showing up less and less with the collar shit. It's done! Unless you're in a 1980s-set period movie or Off-Off-Bway play. And you're not in either of those!
I will pursue, with an unprecedented fervor, state by state and national legislation to staunch your collar popping offenses.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
And your fabric choices SUCK.
But you are kinda nerdy cute otherwise. Lose the collar. Get dates. From first world countries.
PS - That collar popping thing, I'm serious about pursuing legal solutions if that's what it takes. Like claim it's a secret sign used by terrorist cell members.
Hey! I had no idea you had a blog. Sorry for being a bad friend. Re: Ms. Cho, you made my whole life for more than just a week, believe me. I'm just really shitty at e-mail... :-/
Do you mind if I link you in my friends section so I remember to check out your blog more often?
- Chris
Yo!!! I'm the bad friend, not contacting you during NY Comic Con and us both being there! Bad me! Bad us! How much better was it than last year, though?
Yes - by all means please do link me in your friends' section (as you can see I've linked you in mine! :-) )! Thanks ya!!
E-mail to come!
I think you're being too kind to him...he looks like a troll creature from Middle Earth. I'm sure he's a very nice person (hmmm...), but I would rather be friends with the annoying gaysian on the show.
Hmmm. Yes, he's definitely nerdy, but more he's trying to be nerdy. Or is it "geek-shiek?" And yes, his fabric choices do suck.
Didn't geek sheek die three years ago? He's just a snot-nosed punk.
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