There's a double-dose of yours truly in the latest issue of The Advocate: I contributed a news item on a new religious comic book with a very gay twist, as well as a Short Answers interview with Zac Hanson of the rock trio (and siblings) Hanson.
I have to say he was pretty good-humored and relaxed. I brought up the Canadian group The Moffatts, another sibling rocker group. One of the Moffatts, Dave, came out a few years back (I had SO guessed it!). Here are a few outtakes from the version that appears in The Advocate, which I hope you'll all pick up!

The Moffatts was a sort of Canadian, four-member version of Hanson. One of the brothers, Dave, came out in 2004. How would the rest of Hanson respond if one of you came out now?
“It would be shocking because you think I would have realized that by now. We spend so much time together. [We’re all] married to women. But in the end you say, hey, if that’s what makes you happy. You have to stick to your guns and whatever is the right choice for you.”
Who would kick whose butts in a Hanson versus the Moffatts throwdown?
“I can’t say I have a good picture of the Moffatts in my head, but I think we would dominate. I have too much pent up aggression to not succeed.”
And are today’s Midwest-born, corn-fed, home-schooled Hanson boys as clean-cut as they used to be circa ‘MMMBop?’
“Give me a break. How can an 11-year-old not be clean-cut! Honestly! I don’t do a lot of drugs and you’re not going to catch me in a rehab center, or shaving my head or whatever. We’re guys who love making music. We drink and we smoke and the stuff every other band does. People just can’t seem to realize I’m not 11 and how many 11-year-olds do you know who aren’t clean-cut?”
Aside from Drew Barrymore?
“Well, one-in-a-million.”
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