I have co-written, and will be co-directing, the script with Doug Langway (Raising Heroes), and we are staging a public reading at the Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival on July 19th. Do check out the full PIGLFF program at www.phillyfests.com starting Monday, June 23rd.
Our Facebook fan page is up - please do join us!
Incidentally, we are currently holding auditions, so if you're a cub/bear/musclebear, or a boyish twink type who looks around 20 years old, drop a line to bearcity@sharpleft.com.
Please god, stop this before it starts.
Please god, let "Escape from Bear Mountain" be the sequel. Think two adorable alien siblings, with fur.
Hmm. Well, Charles, I am curious about the "why" behind your cry to the heavens. Care to elaborate?
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